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Activities on this stage:


Activity 1: Pupils try to land the Curiosity of Mars' ground , a quite difficult job, just to understand the wnole project difficaltiies with the help of a free online game.

Activity 2: Pupils and teachers take the Martian Cityzentship thaks to the relative free Nasa's service.

Activity 3: Pupils drive the Curiosity and explore Mars thanks to the relative free Nasa's online simulation.

Activity 4: Pupils draw their ideal, for Mars colonization, houses , schools with the necessary curriculum and creates a TV station.


In this unit colonists have to land, to establish the colony from the scratch and to organize their life so as to prepare the ground for the rest of the mankind to move to Mars, leaving behind  the old habbits that drove them here on Mars

The introdactory comic

Unit description

UNIT 5: Being a Martian

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