All the above collages are created with Autocollage
If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
Nelson Mandela
Students, in groups, create their own original songs using greetings from various E.U. languages.
This is a group/collaborative activity on creative writing/thinking.
This activity aims at developing linguistic/verbal intelligence but can developed and some of the other types of intelligence, such as:
Interpersonal intelligence: good with communication
Intrapersonal intelligence: good with analyzing things
Musical intelligence: good with rythm
For students to:
Learn and reflect on the variety of languages that exist in Greece, in Europe and throughout the world.
To realize that in all languages (and cultures) there are common elements.
To learn greetings in different languages.
Understand the value of learning foreign languages.
To learn how to use an online traslator in a creative way.
To to use Ms Songsmith in one more activity.
For teacher to:
To bring together students with the linguistic richness of European countries.
To motivate students to learn foreign languages.
To bring students into contact with the culture of other European countries.
To help students develop a sense of European citizenship.
To bring a fresh approach to everyday teaching reality.
To motivate students to develop their own original material the with the use of the tools that have been taught .
European Day of Language.
Singing Europe
Activity 3
Singing Europe
Duration 4 hours
1 hour to search greetings in various of the European Union countries with the help of Bing translator, 1 time for writing the lyrics of the song, 1 hour to record the songs with the help of the program songsmith and 1 hour for the brainstorming and the feedback. (If there is time - at least 2-3 hours extra - and with the help of bing search can search images related to the above countries and a presentation to be made with the PowerPoint or a movie with the MovieMaker)
Development pathway
Step 1: Spread maps with the European Countries to pupils groups.
Step 2: Pupils connect to Bing translator and write in the relative field the Greek greeting "γεια σου" "hello" and they translate it to various European languages.
Step 3: When they found enough words , they work the lyrics of their song.
Step 4: Demonstration of the program Ms Songsmith.
Step 5: Pupils work with Ms Songsmith in order to record their songs
Step 6: Songs have to be uploaded on class website.
Step 7: Brainstrorming about other uses of the Ms Songsmith and feedback about the activity.
Step 8: (Depending on the time available) Students with the help of bing search search for images relative to the countries mentioned in their song and create a powerpoint presentation or alternatively and after the presentation of the program a movie a movie can be created with the use of the Ms MovieMaker.
Self evaluation : Self commitment, personal effort, artistic results and self evaluation of their own work..
Team evaluation: Level of collaboration, initiatives taking, assignment of roles in group.
Peer evaluation: Evaluation of their classmates' work and the artistic results .
A rubric to measure:
The compliteness of the songs.
The originality of songs
The creative and imaginative lyrics writting.
The variaty of the used greetings
The level of commitment at the activity.
Tools and programs
Ms Songsmith, Bing translator,(Ms PowerPoint, Ms MovieMaker) a PC and a projector (or a smartboard if there is any) .
Hi στα Αγγλικά
Ciao στα Ιταλικά
Και γειά σας στην Ελλάδα
Που πίνουνε πορτοκαλάδα
Hallo στα Γερμανικά
Tere στα Εσθονικά
Cześć στα Πολωνικά
Chesz στα Τσέχικα
Σε όλη την Ευρώπη
Να έχουμε χαρά
Ναι, ναι γεια!.
Bonjour στα Γαλλικά
Γειά σας στα Ελληνικά
¡Hola στα ισπανικά
όλοι μαζί μια αγκαλιά
Buna λεν στη Ρουμανία
και Hallo στην Ολλανδία
Όλες οι χώρες οι Ευρωπαϊκές
είναι όλες τους μοναδικές
Κρέπες κάνουνε οι Γάλλοι
ψάρι οι Πορτογάλοι
Τσάι πίνουν στην Αγγλία
κέικ φτιάχνουν στην Αυστρία
Όλοι είμαστε διαφορετικοί
Μα όλοι μπορούμε να ζήσουμε μαζί
Hi στα Αγγλικά
Hallo στα Γερμανικά
μαζί με όλα τα παιδιά
σας λέμε γειά στα Ελληνικά
Cześć στα Πολωνικά
Tere στα Εσθονικά
που ξέρουμε πολλά απ'αυτά
Όλη η Ευρώπη μια αγκαλιά
που έχει διαφορετικά παιδιά.
Στην Ιταλία τα παιδιά
τρώνε πίτσα καθημερινά
παίζουνε, γελάνε
Τσέχικα μιλάνε
Στη Δανία μια χαρά
Στη Σουηδία φανταστικά
Κύπρο μου εσύ
είσαι ένα φανταστικό νησί
Ήταν η Ευρώπη ξακουστή
για την Ελλάδα την μοναδική.
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